Baby's Tears Plants

Attention tiny plant lovers: Baby's Tears are here for your favorite little pot or rocky shadowed spot. Indoors, outdoors, planters, ground cover, window boxes - this shady baby is ready! Rejoice!

Baby's Tears are almost moss-like with itty bitty, fleshy leaves on short stems. They make great ground cover for rock gardens, thrive in terrariums, love being house plants, tell really funny knock knock jokes, grow fast, and stay evergreen and/or come back in the spring in warm climates.

Includes three young plants, grown in 2.5" diameter pots.

Plant Info
Botanical Name
Soleirolia soleirolii
4" when full grown
9" between plants
Full shade or part sun
Grows everywhere in the USA (annual in zones 2-8, perennial 9-11)
Kids & Pets & Deer
Non-toxic, and Deer Resistant
Prefers humid, warm environment
Regular water
Indoor & Pots
Grows well in containers inside and outside
Growing Info
How to Plant Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Fill a little bit of the loose dirt back into the hole and tuck your plant in so the base of the stem is even with the top of the hole. Now fill in the rest of the soil around the roots, give the soft ground around the base of your new plant friend a few solid pats to compress the soil onto the roots, and a long, gentle drink of water
Where to Plant Find a place that gets mostly shade/indirect sun, in well draining soil. We recommend planting in 7" pots or shady window boxes
When to Plant Plant outside in the late spring, once the soil has warmed up. Avoid the heat of the day when planting — plant in the early morning, late afternoon, or by the light of the moon
When to Expect Blooms We're here for the foliage
Care Instructions Water regularly. Do be sure to keep the soil evenly moist, but not saturated
Extra Credit Baby's Tears can be easily propagated by cuttings
Regular price $32.00 USD
Regular price $0.00 USD Sale price $32.00 USD
Sale Back next season!
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Ask a Question
  • How big is th pot the baby tears are in

    These come as a set of 3 plants grown in 2.5" pots.

  • Might these be available locally? I live in Solvay NY

    We don't have them in any local stores, but are happy to ship them right to your door!