Mistral Tigre Vinato Anemone Corms

Mistral Tigre Anemone Vinato wins our hearts this season for her wine-splashed purple petals, each one gifting us with a different, unique pattern. So deep, ugh, we just can't stop staring. Each plant produces up to 20 flowers. Cutting gardens for all!

Includes 20 corms in a cloth bag with a wooden label stake.

Plant Info
Botanical Name
Anemone coronaria
Full sun or part shade
Deer Resistant
Kids & Pets
Likes mild temperatures
Water regularly once sprouted
Indoor & Pots
Grows well in containers outside
Growing Info
How to Plant Soak your corms in room-temperature or cool water for 3-6 hours before planting. Allow a little trickle of water to run into the bowl as they rehydrate, or refresh the water every hour in order to increase the oxygen in the water (bad bacteria and mold spores like warm, oxygen deprived water). Plant immediately after soaking, 5" apart, 1-2" deep, with the pointy side of the corm pointing down. If you can't tell which way is down, just guess. They'll figure it out
Where to Plant Anemone like rich, well-draining soil. Supplement your dirt with compost or fertilizer when planting in the ground, or use fresh, quality potting soil for containers
When to Plant In warm zones (generally zones 7-10, 7 being the cusp), plant in the late fall for early spring blooms. If you live in a cold zone, with significant stretches of cold in the winter, (generally zones 6-2), plant in the late winter/very early spring instead, after your last hard frost. Corms can handle a brief, light frost, but will not survive if they are in temperatures below 30 degrees
When to Expect Blooms Fall planted corms bloom for about 8-10 weeks in the early spring, and spring-planted corms will blossom for about 6 weeks beginning in mid-spring. Blooms arrive generally 90 days after planting
Care Instructions Water regularly once the foliage emerges, and pick the flowers regularly to encourage more blooms. (Bring the flowers in! Make bouquets! Have fun!) And ask us any questions along the way
Extra Credit Check out our Anemone Plant Care page for information about pre-spouting your corms before planting them
Regular price $24.00 USD
Regular price $39.00 USD Sale price $24.00 USD
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