Pollinators Garden Kit: 15 Plants

Happy to introduce you to a beautiful garden with a lovely variety of heights, a coherent color palette, a pleasing variety of textures, all with the connecting thread of being the favorite of everyone's favorite: THE BEES! Bees prefer purples, blues, and bright greens. And we prefer a happy bee population. **It's going to look amazing**

Includes 15 young plants, grown in 2.5" diameter pots. 3 of each of these 5 varieties, for you to grow the garden of your dreams: Fama Deep Blue Scabiosa, Kiragami Ornamental Oregano, Blue Lace Flower, White Swan Echinacea, and Echo Lavender Lisianthus.

Plant Info
1-4 ft when full grown
3x5 ft of garden space, 9-12" between plants
Full sun or part shade
Grows everywhere in the USA (annual, zones 2-11)
Kids & Pets & Deer
Non-toxic, and Deer Resistant
Drought tolerant
Indoor & Pots
Grows well in containers outside
Growing Info
How to Plant Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Fill a little bit of the loose dirt back into the hole and tuck your plant in so the base of the stem is even with the top of the hole. Now fill in the rest of the soil around the roots, give the soft ground around the base of your new plant friend a few solid pats to compress the soil onto the roots, and a long, gentle drink of water
Where to Plant Find a place in the sun or part shade, with well-draining soil
When to Plant Plant outside in the spring, after your last frost. Avoid the heat of the day when planting — plant in the early morning, late afternoon, or by the light of the moon
When to Expect Blooms Spring through frost
Care Instructions Water as needed, and deadhead to encourage more blooms and for a tidier look
Extra Credit Suggested order, front to back: Oregano, Lisianthus, Scabiosa, Lace Flower, Echinacea
Regular price $120.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $120.00 USD
Sale Back next season!
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  • We have deer that eat everything. How will these fare or is there something else you would recommend instead?

    Luckily, deer don't like anything that smells - good or bad. So the oregano will likely keep them away, assuming you will plant everything in the same spot. However... it depends on the deer, and whatever is on offer at the salad bar. If deer live in an environment where they have lots of options, they'll likely pass on this garden. If they live somewhere with a limited habitat to browse in, they might eat it all.

    Ask yourself: "Does this look delicious?" Deer think the same way. They want plants and flowers that are lush and leafy. Think gladiola flowers and hosta leaves. Deer generally stay away from coneflower, because its sort of spiky. I have never had deer eat lace flower, lisianthus, or scabiosa. They aren't that "leafy" and the flowers are dry. A lace flower and a scabiosa flower would be kind of grainy and crunchy to eat. When in doubt - spray away your fears. Liquid Fence works wonders, lasts for weeks, and doesn't hurt anybody or anything. Hope this helps!