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We have deer that eat everything. How will these fare or is there something else you would recommend instead?
Luckily, deer don't like anything that smells - good or bad. So the oregano will likely keep them away, assuming you will plant everything in the same spot. However... it depends on the deer, and whatever is on offer at the salad bar. If deer live in an environment where they have lots of options, they'll likely pass on this garden. If they live somewhere with a limited habitat to browse in, they might eat it all.
Ask yourself: "Does this look delicious?" Deer think the same way. They want plants and flowers that are lush and leafy. Think gladiola flowers and hosta leaves. Deer generally stay away from coneflower, because its sort of spiky. I have never had deer eat lace flower, lisianthus, or scabiosa. They aren't that "leafy" and the flowers are dry. A lace flower and a scabiosa flower would be kind of grainy and crunchy to eat. When in doubt - spray away your fears. Liquid Fence works wonders, lasts for weeks, and doesn't hurt anybody or anything. Hope this helps!